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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi took the first step toward judicial reform...

Berlusconi took the first step toward judicial reform...

berlusconiThe Italian Executive gave the first step in the approval of the much heralded reform of the judiciary, one of the workhorses of the government of Silvio Berlusconi, which comes amid the scandal over the trial immediately disposed against the prime minister by Ruby case.  The Council of Ministers approved unanimously on Friday so a first draft of the judicial reform which must now be ratified in another cabinet special type government to be convened in the coming days, according to government sources said.
Judicial reform, which is expected to reach Parliament as a constitutional bill provides, the newspaper “Corriere della Sera”, the separation of the careers of judges and prosecutors, the division into two of the Superior Council of Magistracy ( CSM) and the granting of more powers to the Minister of Justice.
According to the Milanese newspaper, based on the project of reform promoted by the justice minister, Angelino Alfano, the CSM would be divided into two distinct bodies: one for judges and another for tax and other body would decide on disciplinary measures against judges.
The newspaper “La Repubblica” also ensures that the first draft of the judicial reform, which will now be reviewed by a committee of ministers and experts, is intended to be final judgments of acquittal in first grade and establish the civil liability of judges.
This movement of the Italian government comes after a Milan judge on Tuesday available immediately Berlusconi prosecution for abuse of power and incitement to prostitution of minors by the Ruby case, the name of the young Moroccan who came to their parties as a minor.
“Corriere della Sera says the blueprint for reform was in place since last November, but it was not until now that the Council of Ministers has decided to address, on Monday said that Berlusconi’s party, the People of the Freedom (PDL) will meet in Milan to discuss the upcoming policy initiatives on justice.


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