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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi intention to carry out a reform of the Constitutional Court...

Berlusconi’s intention to carry out a reform of the Constitutional Court...

berlusconiThe Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, said today his intention to carry out a reform of the Constitutional Court, that this legislature has already twice rejected laws guaranteeing their immunity from judicial proceedings are pending. In a wiretap in an act of his party, the People of Freedom (PDL), Berlusconi said that new measures to be inserted “will be needed (the votes) two thirds of the members to repeal the laws.”  Thus, according to the president, “will prevent a repeat of the situation today, when Parliament discussed a bill, approves and if the judges do not like the left, the challenge before the High Court, being composed mainly left-wing judges, the void. “
Berlusconi was thus referring to the cancellation by the Italian Constitutional Lodo Alfano called, which granted immunity to the four highest positions of state in October 2009, and invalidation of the law of legitimate impediment in January which allowed them to benefit from institutional commitments for not attending the hearings.  Both laws at the time enabled him to stop the processes that were pending, which were resumed after the invalidation by the Constitution.
Berlusconi is accused of corruption in judicial acts in the “Mills case,” tax fraud “case Mediaset” and incitement to prostitution and abuse of power in the “case Ruby”, a process, the latter, which has raised stir in the country and has led the opposition to demand his resignation on several occasions.  The president lashed out again against the judiciary, denounced a “persecution” against him and said that the intention is to eliminate the left through the “weapon” judicial.  Berlusconi said that it is “the most hunted man in the history of justice” and noted that, although it has never been convicted.
The head of the Italian Government argued, moreover, the first draft of the judicial reform promoted by the Executive, which was approved yesterday by the Cabinet.  This text provides, inter alia, separation of the careers of judges and prosecutors, the division into two of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) and the granting of more powers to the Minister of Justice.


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