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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Scandal

The story so far...



Silvio Berlusconi is the first media mogul ever to govern a Western democracy. With a net worth estimated at 13 billion euros*, Italy's Prime Minister controls 90% of Italian national television - directly or indirectly – the copyright on a quarter of all Italian books, and two national newspapers. He controls the main distribution networks for most of Italy’s magazines and movies, and roughly 60% of all television advertising sales. In Italy, where most people get their information from television, control of the airwaves is a political goldmine. No small wonder that Berlusconi holds Italy’s top political job.

Our film follows those who are trying to stop Berlusconi – within Parliament and the media, trying to make the truth of what is happening in Italy. Today a losing battle, but one that shows first hand what happens when a media mogul takes the reigns of power.


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