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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Doesn’t Worry about The Trial...

Berlusconi Doesn’t Worry about The Trial...


The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said not to be “not at all worried” about the trial in Milan will face for alleged abuse of power and incitement to prostitution of minors, and reiterated his Government’s intention that the legislature ends 2013.  In his first appearance before the media yesterday after learning the decision of a judge in Milan immediately sent to trial for the Ruby case, the Italian prime minister, 74, refused to answer questions about it, but wanted to settle the topic with a brief comment.
“For love of country, this does not speak. I can only say I’m not at all concerned,” Berlusconi said at a news conference at the headquarters of the Prime Minister in Rome after an agreement with management on loans to small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
At the urging of a journalist to ask about the Ruby case, well known by the nickname of the young Moroccan Karim El Marough, who came to his parties when he was a minor, Berlusconi said: “Listen, unruly, let it be. Only questions on the subject at hand. We are here to worry about the economy. ”  The prime minister’s appearance was much anticipated after yesterday canceled his presence at a press conference in Catania(Sicily) after learning of the decision of Judge Cristina di Census sent to trial immediately after the investigation carried out by Milan Prosecutor’s Office.
Also yesterday, and at night, the prime minister wanted to be surrounded by some prominent members of his, for now, the only member of government, the Northern League (LN) by Umberto Bossi, who once again showed their support for him.
“They spent the night with me, declaring their closeness and their willingness to continue with this government, we are more cohesive and determined to keep the legislature to natural than ever,” said the president, on an evening held in his Roman residence, the Palacio central Grazioli.


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