Survey finds Monica Bellucci is the preferred girl for Bond 23 |
Even before there is a mention that the next James Bond movie is gearing up, there is rampant speculation as to who the next femme fatale appearing opposite 007 could be.
Bucking the trend of the latest Hollywood starlets, a recent survey by Blic uncovered that moviegoers would most love to see Monica Bellucci in the role - scoring an amazing 23% of all votes from a huge field of contenders.
The 46 year-old Italian actress may seem a surprising selection, but Bellucci has been considered for Bond Girl duty before, most importantly in 1997 when Pierce Brosnan went in to bat for her against MGM, but was ultimately landed with Teri Hatcher (she was seen as the more 'bankable' name at the US box-office).
Bellucci’s followers in the poll were the more predictable names of Jessica Alba and Megan Fox - either of which would likely cause angry riots amongst Bond fans.
A research paper into the James Bond film series has shown the secret agent has a thing for brunettes. Researchers dealt with what would constitute a perfect Bond girl and came to a conclusion that she has long dark hair and preferably has a US accent and carries a weapon. The team studied the physical features of all 195 women who appear in the first 20 films.
Then they compared the characteristics of the 95 women the agent character has had sex with and the 97 of those he has passed on. The research, published in journal Sex Roles, examines how Bond girls have changed over the years, but also the type of women who end up in the spy’s arms. Unsurprisingly, Bond’s sexual partners also tend to be younger, slimmer and more attractive than the women he does not bed – and they are less likely to wear glasses.
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