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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Greet the Dalai Lama

  • 1
    Visit Dharamsala, India - a small mountain village in northern India - where the Dalai Lama resides. Or you can try to see him elsewhere, as he travels frequently.

  • 2
    Go to the Tibetan Welfare Office in Upper Dharamsala to find out if any public audiences with the Dalai Lama are scheduled. If no public audiences are being given, you can bring a written request for a private audience to the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his temple/residence area. But keep in mind that these are rarely granted.

  • 3
    If no public audiences are scheduled, keep your ears open while you are in town; these audiences are often given with less than a day's notice, and news of the audience is typically spread by word of mouth.

  • 4
    Bring a white scarf, which can be purchased on your way to the Dalai Lama's residence for a few rupees. It is a tradition that the Dalai Lama blesses this scarf when he greets you. Also, there is often a table set up where you can leave other items you want blessed (prayer beads, statues, extra scarves). The Dalai Lama will bless these items and you will be able to pick them up afterwards.

  • 5
    Arrive at least 15 minutes early for the audience and be prepared to stand in line for a long time. You'll encounter tight security, so don't bring anything that can be construed as a weapon or a camera.

  • 6
    Go through security and get in the proper line as instructed by the security personnel. Then wait to meet the Dalai Lama.

  • 7
    Be aware that your encounter with him will be brief; have your silk scarf ready to be blessed.

  • 8
    Bow your head to greet him. Some Westerners like to peek while bowing to gain eye contact with this charismatic leader. Most Tibetans, however, prostrate in front of him and do not make eye contact.

  • 9
    Receive a red cord thread from one of his assistants after you meet him - something you can wear around your neck in remembrance of your encounter with him.


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