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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 Responses to “Beijing Refuses Dalai Lama Involvement in Reincarnation”

5 Responses to “Beijing Refuses Dalai Lama Involvement in Reincarnation”

  1. AIR Says: 
    I hope the Tibetans in India and worldwide vote to dismantle the system of theocratic rule. The next Dalai Lama, whoever he may be, can still remain a very respected person and a religious institution, but as far as ruling the government in exile goes, Tibetans really need to take more control of their own situation. How long can they leave it to one globe-trotting celebrity-schmoozer who may not even be on the same temporal wavelength as the rest of us?
  2. Chris Devonshire-Ellis Says: 
    Thanks AIR, Its difficult for Tibetans to ‘take control of their own situation’ as it’s the Chinese who are in charge and there is no democracy in China (or Tibet). I note 30 Tibetans were arrested in Delhi yesterday as they tried to storm the Chinese Embassy.
  3. AIR Says: 
    There you go! That’s the kind of action they really need. Not in Delhi, though. In Tibet would be nice. Worked great for the Mujahideen, didn’t it? Bet there’s a lot of countries and individuals ready to provide stingers and stuff. Charlie Wilson still around? Or his equivalent? Bet the Dalai Lama’s friends with such a guy.
  4. Ananda Says: 
    The irony is, His Holiness himself is willing to dismantle the Dalai Lama institution if people want it. But the Chinese govt, which identifies itself as atheist, reserves the right to approve the next Dalai Lama !
  5. Ted Says: 
    AIR, the Mujahideen are Muslim. The people of Tibet are Budhist through and through and their particular type of Budhism emphasises caring for others – and not warlike at all – so don’t expect them to create an underground army to challenge China. Such an attempt would cause nothing but heartache to all Tibetans.


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