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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi bloodied by attacker.......

Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi
bloodied by attacker.......

Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi bloodied by attacker

Rome, Dec 14 - ItalianPrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was bloodied and knocked to the ground by an attacker shortly after a political meeting in the Italian city of Milan on Sunday.
Berlusconi, who was hit in the face and bleeding profusely from the mouth, was rushed into a car and driven away after the attack to be examined at a hospital, reported eyewitnesses.
Media reports identified the alleged attacker as Massimo Tartaglia, a man in his early 40s. Tartaglia allegedly approached Berlusconi as the 73-year-old prime minister was leaving a rally of his People of Freedom (PdL) party. Berlusconi was apparently hit in
the face by a miniature replica of the Milan Cathedral.
Berlusconi was in Milan to rally support in advance of March elections.


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