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Friday, February 25, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi narrowly survives Italy confidence vote.....

Silvio Berlusconi narrowly survives Italy confidence vote.....

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi narrowly survived a no-confidence vote on Tuesday that left his centre-right government clinging to power and provoked the most violent protests seen in Rome for years.
Silvio Berlusconi narrowly survives Italy confidence vote

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi attends a session at the Senate in Rome December 14, 2010.

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The result underlined Berlusconi's reputation as one of the great survivors of Italian politics, but left him unable to ensure the stability of the government at a time of major economic problems and a menacing euro zone debt crisis.
"It's obviously a positive outcome for Berlusconi given how things looked two weeks ago, but the government will face severe difficulties passing its policies with such a small and fractious majority," said Marco Stringa, an analyst with Deutsche Bank in London.
Some of the most serious rioting Rome has seen in years broke out after the vote, with dozens injured as protestors threw smoke bombs and firecrackers and fought baton-wielding police in running street battles in the historic city centre.

The no-confidence motion brought by the centre-left opposition was defeated by 314 votes to 311, and vote counting in the chamber was briefly interrupted by a scuffle between deputies from rival camps.
"An election campaign at this moment is something the country absolutely does not need," Berlusconi said at a book launch later in the afternoon.
The result was secured after a fevered campaign of back room deals, in which opposition accusations of vote-buying and corruption have been answered by fierce denials and counter-accusations of treachery.
"This changes nothing, the government can't do anything. The political crisis has been made more dramatic by this outcome," said opposition Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani.
He called Berlusconi's two-and-a-half year old administration "clinically dead."
Financial markets had been watching the vote closely but took the result in their stride, as prospects of a lengthy and uncertain election campaign receded.
The stock market was little changed after the vote and the spread of Italy's 10-year BTP bond over the German Bund equivalent held steady at around 165.5 basis points.
Berlusconi has repeatedly defied sceptics, shrugging off a string of gaffes and scandals to win three elections and transform Italy's political landscape since he gained power for the first time in 1994.
But Tuesday's vote was the climax of one of his worst years in politics as his former dominance crumbled under corruption and sex scandals and a split with former ally Gianfranco Fini cost him a secure parliamentary majority.
With the no-confidence vote out of the way, attention now switches to the concessions he will have to offer to try to win support from smaller parties such as the centrist UDC and rebels on the centre-right.
"I think there is the possibility of extending the majority that supports the government quite substantially ," Berlusconi said, adding that he could work with centrist politicians and even some from the centre-left Democratic Party, but not with Fini.
On Monday, Berlusconi offered a broad electoral pact to "moderates" but his coalition allies in the Northern League, who play the role of government kingmakers, have expressed scepticism and have already talked about new elections.
"Today's result means the government doesn't have to resign. We'll look at things after we get back from the (Christmas) break to see if the conditions are there to keep going," said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, a senior member of the Northern League.
Italy has one of the heaviest public debt burdens in the world, at almost 120 percent of gross domestic product. But it has largely escaped the euro zone debt storm thanks to tight control of spending and a conservative banking system that avoided excess during the market boom.
Markets were reassured last week when the 2011 budget was passed in parliament before the votes, but the result does not provide the secure majority investors want to see and leaves the future of the government in doubt.


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