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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silvio Berlusconi advised to ''avoid spontaneous walkabouts'' following ‘death threats’

 Berlusconi advised to ''avoid spontaneous walkabouts'' following ‘death threats’

London, Oct 19: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been warned to avoid his spontaneous public walkabouts after an intelligence report on his safety said that there was a risk of "isolated acts of violence".
The warning came as a group calling itself the "Revolutionary Brigades Fighters for Communism" sent a letter to the a newspaper calling on Berlusconi to quit politics and "surrender to common justice". It had also warned that if he neglected the call "the sentence of Communist justice will be inevitable", The Times reports.
Despite of the threats, Berlusconi, who is already under pressure over a series of sex scandals and facing renewed corruption charges, shrugged off the threat and vowed to carry on as usual.
Meanwhile, Gianfranco Fini, the Speaker of Parliament and co-founder of the ruling People of Liberty party, dismissed the latest death threat as "the work of a drunken madman"


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