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Friday, February 25, 2011

Natalie Glebova-Miss Universe 2005 Natalie Glebova’s Diet and Fitness

Miss Universe 2005 Natalie Glebova’s Diet and Fitness

Miss Universe 2005 Natalie Glebova obviously knows how to look beautiful and now she’s sharing her secrets for a fit and healthy lifestyle with everyone else.
You can tell she knows what she is talking about, too, just by hearing her list of hobbies.
I am active, optimistic and spiritual. My hobbies are practicing yoga, playing the piano, taking care of my two cats, reading about nutrition, and going to the gym,” she lists.
Glebova also credits her personal trainers and nutritionists that she acquired as Miss Universe for teaching her how to stay in shape, live healthy, and deal with stress. But, in spite of the fact that Glebova knows quite a bit about health and nutrition, she still allows herself to eat the things that she craves.  That is, unless she is going through a phase in her life where she has little time to exercise–then, she watches what she eats.
There really is  no secret to staying in top shape. If you burn off what you eat, you’ll  never gain weight,” she says.
That doesn’t meant that she fills up on greasy burgers and fried foods, however.  Instead, she is a pescatarian, eating only seafood if she eats meat.  She also enjoys lots of soy products, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables. Take a look at her typical menu items.
Breakfast choices:
bran or whole grain cereal with soy milk
buckwheat porridge
bircher muesli with yogurt

Lunch choices:
cheese sandwich on whole grain bread
salad made with organic vegetables

Dinner choices:
grilled fish with vegetables and brown rice

As far as her exercise plan goes, she doesn’t have any particular routine for that either because she gets bored easily and likes to try new things.
One day I’ll do yoga, the next day I will play badminton,  and another day I will take a dance class. Some days I roller blade or swim. I  even go wake boarding from time to time.  And sometimes I just go to  the gym and do the typical cardio/weight-lifting session,” she explains.
Miss Glebova keeps herself motivated to eat the right things and stay active by remembering that when she is healthy she feels energetic and more motivated in other areas of her life such as work and socializing.  Possibly her only weakness in this plan of hers is that she has a sweet tooth.
I do like to indulge once in a while on sweets as I  love it so much, so I try to have 90% of my time eating well, and 10%  eating anything I want as much of it as I want,” she admits.


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